seach engine optimization

What is SEO and How does it work??

Hello, Welcome to my blog, You must have been searching for how search engine optimization (SEO) works or something Like it. First question yourself, how did you land on my page? Whether you used Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other means to land here on this page, We’re glad you’re here to learn how SEO can benefit your site and business. We’ll show you how SEO can improve your website, increase traffic and conversions, improve customer satisfaction, and more!.

Let’s define what SEO is.

 SEO is the process of enhancing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).or we can say the process of getting traffic from free, organic, or natural search results in search engines. This is done through the use of targeted keywords, relevant content, and an effective link-building strategy. SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but the effort is worth it as it can help to increase website traffic and leads. When done correctly, Local SEO can help your business to reach high. It aims to enhance your website’s rank on search results pages.

Point to Remember, the higher the website is Ranking, the more people will see it.

These days Seo is Considered one of the most essential marketing activities.

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How does SEO work?

Searching on Google or Bing seems like a simple task because finding the information you need seems simple. However, the behind-the-scenes process of search engine optimization (SEO) is actually tough to master and tricky to navigate. This guide will help you navigate this space.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are the best-known bots — they use Google algorithms to crawl countless pages on the web, looking for new content, Collecting information about those pages, and putting them in an index. Think of the index as a giant library where a librarian can pull up a book (we can say a web page) to help you find exactly what you’re looking for in the meantime.

 Because different search engines catalog web pages in slightly different ways, it’s important to use specific keywords that are important to your customers. The right keywords could make all the difference between an online shopper struggling with your website or walking away without finding what they want or need.

How do search engines work?

  • Algorithms
  • Crawling
  • Indexing
  • Ranking

How do search engines work?

Search engines depend on algorithms to locate web pages and decide which ones to rank for any given keyword. Understanding search engine algorithms is the key to our web pages ranking well. In this guide, we will reveal all the secrets you need to understand how search engines work and give you the information to help your site get found easily on SERP.

There are Three Crucial steps to knowing how search engines work:

  1. Crawling: Crawling is the first of the data assemblage stages performed by a Web crawler.
  2. Indexing: indexing, is the filing stage of the web-crawling process.
  3. Ranking: the process of improving a page’s ranking in search engines.

In detailed:

  1. Crawling: Search engines Like Google yahoo, bing send their crawl web pages (say robots) to discover new pages and record information about them. They Also send their robot to check periodically the content of existing pages, whether they are the same or have been updated. 

Now Let’s Know How Search Engine Crawl Numbers of Web pages so easily,  the answer is Search engines Crawl the web pages By links They Have Already discovered, suppose you have a website that is already crawled and indexed by search engine and you have made a new blog for your website, link the blog page with your homepage. When a search engine crawls it will then look for another link to follow and may follow the link to your new blog page.

  1. Indexing: The indexing stage of the Google algorithm is what separates the wheat from the trash. How the search engine sees a URL is based on its content. When it crawls and indexes your website it will analyze all relevant elements on that page. If a crawled web page is considered deserving by a search engine, it will be added to its index. It can be stored in a database from where it can be recovered. 

A web page might not be placed in the index of Google Algorithms if:

  • Its content has been deemed a copy
  • Its content is considered low weight or spammy
  • It couldn’t be crawled
  • The page or domain lacked inbound links

3. Ranking: The ranking is directly related to how well a search engine has indexed and categorized content. There are more than 200 ranking Factors that search engines use to figure and rank content.



Hi, my name is Sanyogita and I am originally from India and have a master's degree from Delhi University. I am a digital marketing expert with over years of experience. I have written countless articles on various topics, including SEO, social media marketing, and digital strategy. I believe that with the right approach, any business can use the power of the internet to reach new heights.